terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

Update DashBoard 2010 não vai acontecer hoje dia 26

Daniel Maher, Xbox LIVE Editor para a região EMEA, twittou hoje que não vai haver atualização hoje:
Desculpas a todos que estavam esperando ser lançando hoje - na verdade,esta vindo em novembro.

>> Daniel Maher, Xbox LIVE Editor for the EMEA region, tweeted today that we won't see the Fall 2010 Xbox360 dashboard update today:

Apologies to everyone who's contacted us about the new dash launching today - it's actually coming sometime in November.

While Microsoft never officially confirmed a release date for the new dashboard there were growing rumours it would happen today. Not so it seems ... it's coming in 'November'.

Probably on or before Nov 4th as the Kinect will require the new dashboard to operate.

For those who missed the news yesterday, we highly recommend to NOT update your console whenever MS releases the new dashboard if you have a modified DVD FW until we know more about possible new protections.

Fonte: FX360